Our Services

About our cleaning Services

We offer tailored cleaning services, from move-in/out deep cleans to regular maintenance, with the option to use your own in-house supplies and equipment. Specialized services include post-construction, commercial, and baby prep cleanings, ensuring a pristine environment for all of your cleaning needs.

Customizable Cleaning Options

We understand that not everyone has the same cleaning needs and requirements, that is why provide customizable options for our clients, so you pay a fair, affordable and competitive price for exactly what you want. We will conduct a walkthrough and discuss areas that need special attention or particular areas that do not need our services. Additionally, if you wish for us to use your supplies and equipment for cleaning, we would be more than happy to oblige.

Move in/out Cleaning

Whether you are moving in or out of a house, every corner, crevice, drawer, window, light fixture and appliance will be cleaned so you feel confident for move in, move out, or resale of a home.

Basic House Cleaning

This is our standard house cleaning that includes a thorough cleaning and sanitation of all general areas. You can schedule weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly service to help maintain your home or commercial area.

Deep House Cleaning

This service is recommended for all new clients and includes thorough cleaning and sanitation of all general areas as well as exterior/interior appliances, baseboards, interior windows and shades, ceiling fixtures and fans, as well as any other area of focus you would like for us to tackle for a pristine result.

Baby Prep Cleaning

When you are expecting, the most daunting task on your list is most likely ensuring your home and nursey are ready to receive your precious little one. Leave that task to us. Our Baby Prep cleaning includes our general cleaning services using our non-toxic cleaning solutions and detailed nursey organization of baby clothes, supplies, and equipment. Have peace of mind that your infant will have a safe, sanitized place to grow and explore because we know you already have enough on your plate!

Post Construction Cleaning & Commercial Cleaning

If you have a business that needs recurring cleaning maintenance or a space that has undergone renovation, having a professional cleaning service to provide a clean and impeccable environment is crucial to help you take the next step forward.

Elevated Perfection is in the Details

We do interior refrigerator and oven cleaning, pantry organization, labeling/general organization, bed stripping and dressing, mattress vacuuming, steam mopping and we have commercial grade carpet/rug and upholstery cleaning capabilities. Call us for a quote today.